NOTICE (Terms & Conditions, including code of conduct)
▸™ {another community effort of our founding patron, HYBRID DECISIONS CORP} became its own entity™ as of 2018.™ a.k.a.™ (continues™ logo, url, rep, pro-privacy values, etc.), and still is where individuals voluntarily participate and share their thoughts/ideas at no-charge to™/™ (including its Patrons, Sponsors, Members).
▸ BY PARTICIPATING IN THIS GROUP YOU AGREE, (a) to be decent, polite, helpful, and respectful of others, (b) the views, opinions and positions expressed or implied by the individuals (e.g., presenters, attendees, organizers, volunteers) are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of™ and/or its sponsors or patrons, (c)™ and those who support/help us (e.g., sponsors, patrons, organizers, admins, volunteers) make no representations, warranties or guarantees of any kind (e.g., as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information) and are not liable for anything (e.g., errors, omissions, or any losses, injuries or damages), and (d) give™ and those who support/help us (e.g., sponsors, patrons, organizers, admins, volunteers) at no-charge unrestricted non-exclusive rights to all that is presented/disclosed/discussed for whatever purpose (e.g., stream, record, and/or store). For clarity, PARTICIPATING includes using or attempting to use any information gleaned from this site, our other online sources, conferences, events, or in-person.
▸ 2021: NEW™ Membership Program & Application [click here to apply]
▸ what we mean by "with us" & "for us" [click here to read it on About Us page]
▸ what are the digital assets use & related rights [click here to read it on Digital Assets page]
▸ common-sense Safety (Covid/otherwise):
we do NOT mandate vaccines … all are welcome!
we do require all in-person attendees to adhere to all our event Terms & Notice in footer … which in this case includes looking-out-for each other with common-sense measures, e.g., stepping aside when feeling ill, careful where you cough, just be decent & considerate when in proximity :-)
we are now providing individually packaged snacks and bottled water (instead of Pizza or Brisket) and varies by event.
▸ DISCLOSURE: This site was ported to Google Apps, then migrated to Google's G-Suite, which is now Google Workspace (yep, that's how long we have been around ). For those who are wondering why, given our focus on privacy, we are host on Google & are on Facebook … know that outreach is about going where what we offer is most needed —plus— knowing which tools/technologies to apply when/where/how, is another thing that sets us apart :-)